We’re continually updating our HELP guide on our learning and support pages. The past months the guide has grown significantly with more helpful information and instructive videos. Check out what’s new down below!
Increased the number of articles by almost 30%
Thanks to the feedback we have recieved from users, we have been able to add new helpful articles to the guide. We are very thanksful for all our users and the common will to make BIM easy for everyone. With an holistic approach, with everyone in the industry wokring towards the same goal, we can create an important link in the chain of unbroken fire safety information.
For example, we now have guides on how to create you own content in you model. Check out the article “USE OWN SYMBOLS“ to know more. Other articles worth checking out is “WORKFLOW FOR CALCULATION” and “UNCONNECTED SYMBOLS“.
New videos added
We have also new articles in which we include video. Check out articles “ASYMMETRIC WALL COMPARTMENTATION” and “IRREGULAR WALL COMPARTMENTATION” in which we show you step by step how to work with your wall compartmentation.

If you need any further help with your 3D-modelling, you can find our support here.
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