We’ve updated the HELP guide!

We’re continually updating our HELP guide on our learning and support pages. The past months the guide has grown significantly with more helpful information and instructive videos. Check out what’s new down below! Increased the number of articles by almost 30% Thanks to the feedback we have recieved from users, we have been able to […]

Updates on the Building Safety Bill

Since the tragedy of Grenfell Tower shone a light on the lack of traceable safety information in many of the country’s buildings, work has been in order to achieve a much-needed change in the building and construction industry. Building on Dame Judith Hackitt’s review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety, which highlighted the need for […]

Audit Trail

An audit trail is a set of records or sources that provide documentary evidence of the sequence of activities that have affected a document. This allows users to track changes and adjust for them accordingly. Bimfire Tools has an audit trail function to make sure the fire safety engineer always has an updated document and […]

Updated HELP-guide

BIM should be easy! Therefor we are always updating our support- and learning section on our webpage. This past week our HELP-guide has been updated with new content and articles. We have gathered the new articles down below. QUALITY ASSURANCE – Work process for assuring quality and accuracy in delivery. EVACUATION PLAN – TITLEBLOCKS – New evacuation […]